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Dec 09, 2007 How to Block Websites in Windows 8’s Hosts File Aug 23, 2012 Quick Tip: Block unwanted sites using the Windows hosts file Mar 30, 2011 Edit the Windows Hosts File to Block or Redirect Websites

Feb 19, 2016 · When you block sites with the hosts file even though you are redirecting them to your computer will still try to find the content, What HostsServer does is run a tiny server that returns a "OK 200" to the website which means the website thinks you received whatever you just blocked, It also stops your computer from searching until the

How to Block Unwanted Ads in All Applications and Speed Up Ad-blocking extensions like Adblock Plus are wildly popular among web power users, whether used to kill distracting ads or to make the most of a slow connection. Their weakness: These extensions Block Ads and Malware with Your Hosts File | NordVPN The hosts file is a plain text file (hosts.txt) that translates websites’ hostnames into numeric IP addresses, before DNS (the Domain Name System). So when you enter a name of a website into your browser, the hosts file tries to resolve it first and only if the …

Aug 03, 2017 · Just make sure to change the websitename with the name of the file which you want to block. www.websitename.com. websitename.com. For example if you want to block facebook, just put the code as shown below. STEP 6. Now, save the changes to the file. Now, copy and paste it back again in the etc folder. The original file will

Apr 23, 2020 · Everyone loves spotify, but are tired of it’s ads that keep coming between songs. Here is way to block ads through your host file be it Windows or Mac. # — Spotify Ad Block media-match.com adclick.g.doublecklick.net googleads.g.doubleclick.net http://www.googleadservices.com pagead2.googlesyndication.com desktop.spotify.com pubads.g.doubleclick.net audio2.spotify.com # — crashdump.spotify.com 127